Mashiro's Castle in the Internet
Mashiro's Castle in the Internet

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From Okashina Futari ~ Chapter 0023
Illustrator: Ohyuki

It is understood that the transgender ability and the transvestite ability are independent, which means that you should not think it impossible to use either ability separately.
Imagine: the case that the brother is still a boy but forcibly dressed in a girl's outfit or that the sister is a boy wearing her own outfit; or the other case that the brother has his temporary girl's outfit changed back to normal as he is left a girl or the sister has her clothes turned into boy's ones. The latter case is not a critical problem.
The former case means a boy being forced to wear female clothes, but that is not likely to happen. This is the most welcome to him of all the unreasonable things confirmed with their ability.

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Mashiro's Castle © 199x+ Mashiro Yuh // Translation: ELIZA, Jaime, Raccoon, Frog King// PHP design/hosting: Hoshizora ARRANGE, ~2009+~ // Updates: Jaime
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