Mashiro's Castle in the Internet
Mashiro's Castle in the Internet

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From Okashina Futari ~ Chapter 304 ~ 2003/07/16
Illustrator: Ohyuki

At that moment, just as she tried to step backward without changing her stance, the extremely unstable heel of the high heels twisted in a strange direction.
Ayumi, clad in a cheongsam, lost her balance and fell backwards onto her buttocks on Satori's bed!
Ponk! Her broad rear end sounded.
She made an all-out effort to pull her legs together!
They are, they are going to be exposed!!

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Mashiro's Castle © 199x+ Mashiro Yuh // Translation: ELIZA, Jaime, Raccoon, Frog King// PHP design/hosting: Hoshizora ARRANGE, ~2009+~ // Updates: Jaime
Contact e-mail: eng.castle.webmaster AT