Mashiro's Castle in the Internet
Mashiro's Castle in the Internet

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From Okashina Futari ~ Chapter 161-170
Illustrator: Ohyuki

Translation of the words in the picture, right to left, top to bottom: Today's day duties are on: [FNORD] (illegible)
and Hasegawa
Nagasawa Kyouko

I saw her then. . . the girl dressed in plain clothing. . . well, is she as old as me, since she is transferring to this class?
No, she was not an "unknown girl".
Just a moment later, her name came to Ayumi's mind, and her good-looking face also.
She is Kyouko-chan, who lived in my neighborhood when I was little.

"Hello. I am Kyouko Nagasawa, and I just transferred in."

She seemed to say many other things, but Ayumi did not listen to most of them.

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Mashiro's Castle © 199x+ Mashiro Yuh // Translation: ELIZA, Jaime, Raccoon, Frog King// PHP design/hosting: Hoshizora ARRANGE, ~2009+~ // Updates: Jaime
Contact e-mail: eng.castle.webmaster AT