Mashiro's Castle in the Internet
Mashiro's Castle in the Internet

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Welcome to Mashiro's Castle in the Internet (Mashiro's Castle, English Side, Version 2.0)

Here, you can find English translations of the various works created by Mashiro Yuu, such as his various short stories as well as Okashina Futari. You can also find the various images and animations he has commissioned over the years.

Sorry for the relative incompleteness of the site. The English translations will naturally lag behind the Japanese versions by quite a bit. Also, the previous English site has gone offline, apparently permanently, and thus some of the translated content that was stored there is currently unavailable. However, it will all be brought over eventually.

These are the rules regarding individuals translating Mashiro-san's works:
1. Register as a translator and greet Mashiro Yuh in Japanese.
2. Submit an application to Mashiro Yuh in Japanese and wait for permission to be granted. Permission shall be for individual works only.
3. Translate the work and post the translation on the website forums.
4. Jaime will upload the translation; any necessary edits will be between Jaime and the translator.

These are the rules regarding commissioning translations of Mashiro-san's works:
1. Find a translator.
2. Submit an application to Mashiro Yuh and wait for permission to be granted. Applications should be translated into Japanese. Again, permission is for individual works only.
3. Have the translator translate the work, and post the translation on the website forums.
4. ELIZA or another registered translator will check out the translation for accuracy; Jaime will assist for purposes of editing if needed. Any problems will be resolved then.
5. Once the translation is finished, Jaime will upload it.

In the box below, the most recent update to the site is included.

Update, 2013/04/22

( 2013/04/22 )

Today we have another picture from the talented Ohyuki, Ayumi in a tennis outfit. In addition, I created an e-mail address for sending questions, comments, or whatever relating to Mashiro's Castle in the Internet. It's located in the credits section, but for convenience, it's: eng.castle.webmaster AT

Please only send e-mails relating to the website, or if you want to get in touch with ELIZA or Mashiro-san. I will pass them on as needed.

In addition, we are looking into getting a better messageboard. If anyone has any ideas regarding it, please send an e-mail detailing them. Please note, we have already considered PHPBB messageboards and the like.

Please feel free to leave a comment on the forums, as well.


(hits: 496561)

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Mashiro's Castle © 199x+ Mashiro Yuh // Translation: ELIZA, Jaime, Raccoon, Frog King// PHP design/hosting: Hoshizora ARRANGE, ~2009+~ // Updates: Jaime
Contact e-mail: eng.castle.webmaster AT